Some of the photos of the band were passed onto me from a relative of the Watts family (see Brithers in Arms for marriages of two Carney brithers to two Watts sisters) :
Photo below from the Snapper
Drum band photo taken in Aldershot 1903: The band members in the photo above
are: Stein, England, Hewitt, T Carney, Merrill, Catt, McReynolds, Gardiner,
Riley, Potten, Locke, Humphries, Gosling, J Carney, Cornell, Corpl Thacker,
Lieut Boyd Dr-Major Clare, W Carney, Conreuth, Pearson, Molloy, F Carney,
Thompson. No first names given. Only the 4 Carney brothers are identified by
their initials
From a brief search of CWG database - and it's harder without initials, it does look as if many of the EYR band did not survive WW1
From a brief search of CWG database - and it's harder without initials, it does look as if many of the EYR band did not survive WW1
A 2nd Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment band played at the Nottingham International Exhibition during the week commencing Monday 7 September 1903 [source:- Advert in the Nottingham Evening Post]